It's surprisingly similiar to the OAV-series. It has the same atmosphere with similiar music and sounds.
The OAV-series was perhaps a bit more down-to-earth, while the tv-series introduces a huge monster wich turned me a bit off at first.
That introduction text also makes it look like a godzilla movie or something =P
And the first episode has a crazy violent ending.
I've seen the first 3 episodes, and it's only the first episode who went that crazy.
The first episode is about a teacher who gets bullied by her students. One after another her bullies die.
The second episode was about a man who seduces women on a train, turning them into his personal mannequin collection.
The third episode was about haunted mask turning a boy crazy.
I think they were pretty good horror stories.
The animation is better than i expected, theyre quite nice for a 90's tv-series. But it's not as good as the 80's OAV-series of course.
Looking forward to watching the rest.
ooooh, is it horrorish? If so, i want to borrow it sometime!